I didn’t make any real big purchases the past two months but I did buy a few domains. I spent approximately $6K on the names below and sold $4500 which is more “government like” that I want. I usually try and only spend what I take in but almost all of that was for the numerics which I had already set aside $10K to build a portfolio of NNNN.coms The rest were great values to me. 2010 was a banner year for me as I purchased less than 10 names that in hindsight made me say, “Why in the hell did I buy that?” Previous years? I had WAY too many. All the names below are dot coms.
7881 Overpaid here but I really like the number. The last purchase of my $10,000 into NNNN experiment (I do actually have $800 left so I may buy one more)
1248 Loved the way the numbers double. China loves domains that end in 8 but don’t like the 4. At the price I paid I could double my money tomorrow
3065 Didn’t have a 4 and that’s all I looked for when adding to my portfolio
3289 Is it crazy to pick a domain based on how it types out on a numeric keypad? That’s why I bought this one
aPillow For under a hundred dollars I thought it was a steal. AND…I love pillows
Koppo 5 Letter that is a nice tight type on the keyboard. Go ahead, type it out…Nice huh?
Wirby Stole this one. A nice 5 letter domain. I’ll do well with this one
Akly I bought it for a few hundred dollars for two reasons. One, it is a pronounceable 4 letter dot com. Two it was getting 7,000 uniques a month. Turned out to be adult traffic that I don’t usually mess with but I’m pretty sure I can get my money back just from monetizing the traffic.
GirlsFighting (this is a dot net) I was a sucker for the searches 112,000. I figured I could flip this one. Anyone want to buy it for $300?
BlueTomatoes I just liked the name. As a plant grower it fits my niche. As a brand building guy I don’t think there’s an easier logo in the world to make. 1996 registration was an added bonus. I thought it was a great buy
I commented before about BlueTomatoes I agree with you. I like it. You will make money on this one for sure.
As far as GirlsFighting I have two of my own and that is all they seem to do.
I like the BlueTomatoes domain as well, but for a different reason. It’s close to your core family nursery business. What’s that old Peter Lynch saying about investing in what you know? Seems like you could kill the plant/nursery,etc. sector as you know it better than any other domainer.
Hello, what does “Stole this one.” mean? That you really stole it? :o)
Term for “good price”, “practically nothing”
Nice lot of domains there. Really like Koppo and it adds to you 5L’s. Thanks for the insight.
I like reading your blog a lot, I don’t consider myself a professional domainer at all, but I think you are way way way off the mark in your domain strategy.
I was shocked at what people were paying for NNNN.com thought to myself, the times, they are a changing, I just cant see the value in them.
Not really a fan of those four and five letter domains either.
I hope you dont take this the wrong way, I have made a lot of mistakes myself. I think you should look at the strategy of what people like Frank Schilling do, he has excellent domaining instincts. Yes, I know not everybody has deep pockets like some of the big players, but one can still learn from them.