Domain Spotlight:

A Few Very Nice Domains Dropping Today

One of the better days for domains dropping. Way too many to list.  Plenty of money to be made today. 8K searches and a great name for a hotel finder.  Certainly worth the $17 it’s at now I give it an A for rememberable and easy to spell. B for being “what the hell do you do with the name”   Most likely worth more than the $0 bid right now Virtual keys?   I hate to stretch but I do like this name.  Very brandable and with no bidders you won’t pay too much for it Ouch!  It’s not wrong, it’s just different, Ok it’s wrong I’m drawing a blank on what to do with this one.  $3200 Estibot and 1 bid.  Should be able to get this one cheap

There were a ton more good names today.  Go to if you want to find more

Domain Spotlight: