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A Little Inside View To My Day And A Picture of My New Summer Office

By now you’ve all figured out my day job is owning a nursery.  I don’t sit behind a computer all day and most of the time my daytime online communication is merely checking my phone.  The good and the bad is I’m constantly outside.  Fresh air means little to no sickness (of course I’ve been sick twice at DomainFest), constant moving means a healthy, lean body, but it also means the elements.  Cold, rain, hot, sun, I get it all.

Sure, I could move to nicer weather but hard to find 100 acres at of land at Illinois prices, and have a 3500 square foot house for under $300K.  It’s been hot lately but yesterday was one of the hottest days I’ve ever worked in.  90% humidity and 100 degrees. You could hardly breathe and your body instantly started sweating due to the humidity.  I changed my shirt 5 times (I have the box of nursery shirts).  But then I came up with a solution and it made the rest of the day much more bearable. A little tight but worth it. I think I found my new office


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