Domain Spotlight:

China Gearing Up For Internet Expansion and What It Means For Domain Investors

Starting in 2013, China will begin testing Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), an upgrade from their current IPv4, to increase overall internet use throughout the country. Currently the country has used up almost all of the IP addresses in IPv4 and IPv6 will increase the pool of available addresses so that more devices can connect directly to the internet and increase the availability of  domain names. The large scale expansion is set to be deployed in 2014 or 2015.

So what does this mean for domain investors? Simply put, the internet is growing in China. As of last year, China has 278 million addresses available on IPv4. There are currently 450 million internet users in China. This upgrade will increase internet availability and more users/traffic will only make quality Chinese domains more valuable. This is great news for those interested in domain investing in one of the hottest up and coming markets out there. As a consultant on Chinese domains that I recently spoke with put it, “China is behind the U.S., but if you can get into the trends, you will make a lot of money”.

Are you interested in the Chinese domain market? Stay tuned as we here at DomainShane are working on bringing you regular content that will help you get started investing in the market.

Domain Spotlight:

6 Replies to “China Gearing Up For Internet Expansion and What It Means For Domain Investors”

  1. Very interested, Shane. A very smart thing to diversify in the international markets. I look forward to reading this content in the future.

  2. Hello D.S.

    The wild card in this massive rollout is that there is a huge push in Chinas Educational plans to adopt the English Language. This may or may not affect this Massive Emerging Market which lies before us all. Our read is that it will provide opportunities on both sides of the world. There may or may not be a pure play available or at least an obvious pure play to take advantage of this huge wave. Good food for thought, Thank you for this excellent Post !

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  3. As a consultant on Chinese domains that I recently spoke with put it, “China is behind the U.S., but if you can get into the trends, you will make a lot of money”.

    Chris and Shane, I am happy to see the post and quote. Hopefully this site will become one of the first to bring out quality info on the Chinese market in the domain industry.


  4. Expect the Chinese domain market to be a lucrative one for domain name investing in the future. Interesting comment about China’s educational plans to adopt the chinese language. However, in the Middle East, despite a large english speaking population the demand for IDNs in arabic has been enormous.

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