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DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Thursday 11/6/14

I’ve been talking with my numeric hero T.J. Demas over the last few days and must say that he truly got it when it came to numerics.  He has purchased some of the best number domains on the planet with his best being  And it’s not like he got them decades ago. He was paying hundreds of thousands and people were calling him crazy.  I was hoping to buy but we couldn’t agree on a payment plan. Mostly because he didn’t think I’d really be alive 300 years to pay it off.  All joking aside, it is absolutely worth $2 million or more in today’s market.  We both agree that there are hundreds of Chinese businessman and companies that can show their status in their country by owning this amazing name.  It’s just a matter of time before you see the headline here that it sold.     Here are today’s names  Imagine this will be used for free or instant email. 18 years old  Great letters.  14 years old.  Could sell it to Towarzystwo Miłośników Miasta Bydgoszczy  Right at the low range of CCC.coms. The average is $500 to $750  No bidders.  Not a bad name for a self help site or app  Everyone has monthly razor clubs now.  Join in  The double 8s bring the boys to the yard.  Gotta jump the three to get there though  Has a couple hundred dollars to go IMO  Upgrade domain for a few companies.  Everyone needs to step in one every once in a while   I know it’s dirty but it’s one of my favorite names on the board today. So many uses.  So wrong but so right.  What they wanted to call Tinder   Name is doing very well.  Looks like people have figured out the value of gold.  Choosing a daycare is one of the tougher things to do if you are a working family.  Reviews would be nice. Second only to word of mouth

Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day. $10 off PURCHASES OF $50 OR MORE ACOSKS65 Sounds like a money management or research firm. Actually, that’s what is, and maybe they should buy it to avoid confusion. 15 years old with no bids.  Great hockey name. If you’re in to those kind of things.  18 years old   You see a lot of NNL.coms but don’t see very many LLN.coms   LNN.coms are the most valuable of the CCC.coms IMO   Has a lot more bids than I thought it would.  I was thinking more brand than acronym but who knows  More and more people are buying cars on online and they need people to ship them back   But you can’t choose yourself  17 years old.   Good short brand.  Has already met reserve   What would a list of mine be without a dot cc.  Torrent people will use any tld

CAX DOMAIN OF THE DAY   $25 takes it

Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct

Domain Spotlight: