Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 3-23-12

Went to the midnight premier of The Hunger Games last night. For you crazy night owls I’m pretty sure its no big deal. For a guy that normally gets up at 4:30 am it’s a big deal. I had to mainline caffeine into my veins to stay awake.  Great book, great movie.  Jennifer Lawrence is pretty easy to look at and the smile on my daughters face while she watched it makes the pain of staying up worth every minute.  I’m one of the most selfish people I know but its funny because I can be fully satisfied as long as my daughter is having a good time.  Maybe I’m not as selfish as I thought.  Now on to today’s names. 10 year old domain. Very popular saying and very easy branding for this one. “It ain’t over until you’ve been to……”  1995 Birthday is enough to make this stand out.  Valuates at $4300 It’s a 1999 domain so that grabbed my attention but then I thought “who buys their dogs rings?” A little higher than I expected but it IS a solid domain  Hell its as good as the domain Groupon.  Probably better if was savingscard  I like smartskin a little better but these two word dot coms tend to do well.  Beautiful town in Australia.  Ok I’ve really never been there but the pictures look pretty.  Sell this one to the greenies as we call them in our industry  No bidders but TONS of advertisers  No bidders for this 12 year old domain  1993 Domain.  But its dropping $70 could take this one

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