Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-6-12

tripletek.com17 year old domain which means in one more year she’ll be legal and you won’t go to jail for dancing too close during “Back that Thing Up” by Juvinile. I may have mixed together two stories here.  This domain is vintage..from 1998  One of the better names on the board if you like PR names.  It’s a PR 6

safemortgage.comGreat mortgage domain. Not many searches but still a good brand. They’ll say “It must be a safe place to get a mortgage online because the name IS safe mortgage”  Pretty much says what the site is going to do

Jerseypeach.comOriginally I thought this was slang for what you see when a guy from NJ goes commando and his fly is wide open but turns out New Jersey is the 4th largest peach producer in the country. Who knew.

UKFlowers.comWay too cheap for this one. Maybe they throw a “U” in flowers like they do all the other words and that’s why it’s staying low. doesn’t give it much love either  It’s what I need on my swim goggles.  I am convinced my eyes sweat because they fog up after two laps regardless of anti fog juice.  Should be a few bidders on this one but there’s not.  It’s all yours  If there’s not already a ChicagoFest, there eventually will be   Old Amish game but PETA moved in to keep the cows from being harassed.  Funny but actually a pretty solid email domain “It’s what you’re about to get”  The term before Meetups became hip.

Domain Spotlight:

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