Domain Spotlight:

If You Had $202,000 to Put Down for a gTLD, Which One Would You Start?

Companies interested in applying for a global top-level domain name, or gLTDwill have to pay a $202,000 non-refundable fee to the body that oversees domain names, ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the non-profit organization in charge of domain names. Some call it a brand maker some call it a money maker. Applications open early next year and companies will have 45 days to make their case. Melinda Upton, an intellectual property partner at the law firm Blake Dawson, expects the bidding to reach into the ”tens of millions of dollars”, especially for domains such as .technology, .fashion and .media. The successful applicant will be the one that pays the most at auction during the bidding period, if applicants cannot reach an agreement suitable to the governing authority.

So what if you had a ton of money and you could build a gTLD.  Which one would you choose?  Here are 2 I would feel comfortable putting my money in

.pic I would love a worldwide tld for pictures of a certain item.  I could skip the images section of Google.  I could type in frogs.pic and know I am most likely going to get a site of frog pictures

.email I think a tld for email could fly

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “If You Had $202,000 to Put Down for a gTLD, Which One Would You Start?”

  1. If I was going to pick one, it would be .web – I think that could have widespread use.

    Was also thinking of .xxx, but once you get through all the adult keywords, there isn’t much other use for it. But for adult content, you can’t do much better than that.

    .blog could suit any topic for a blog.

  2. Shane alot of interesting possibilities …

    its conceivable that the $202,000 non-refundable fee may come down in

    time and allow almost any small to medium size business to get their own

    gTLD. I don’t think ICANN will say no to more money 🙂

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