Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

In case you missed this weekend let me fill you in on what happened in the domain blog world.  I spewed more opinions and a few jokes. Fusible did more video game and tech registration stories, Jamie found more corporate registrations, and DomainGang re-released a few more old articles with a couple good new parodies.  If anything we’re all consistent.   Now you can take a look at today’s names. Other than the fact that nobody knows how to spell pageant, this is a great deal for $12.  12 years old I don’t like it but plenty of people do so here it is. A perfect name to show when “the” works just fine in a domain.  Nice name 1998 Birthday.  Here’s your slogan   “You’re just aClick away” Everyone likes to think they are buying wholesale. I like to go fishing but I seem to never go catching. Almost too generic for me. I’m pretty sure you can make back your $69 back on this one pretty easily Any two letter dot com under $100K is a decent buy DO NOT buy this name.  These are the type of names that waste money.  It’s a typo but looks right if you’re not paying attention. I was just writing an email earlier today to someone letting them know I am not a buyer of dot me domains BUT this name is the type of names that a startup would use.

Name found using Dropday.

If you are interested in having your auctioning domain listed here drop me a line

Domain Spotlight: