Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domaining Drops and Auctions

Hope all had a nice weekend. I actually got some stuff done this weekend for a change. Worked on a new website for a domain that I was fortunate to pick up. It’s a PR5 garden domain and just perfect for getting some nice links up to my sites. I am going to try and sell some links as well for others interested in PR 5 garden sites. Now onto the names 1993 domain. One of the older names to come across Namejet. Very nice Already at $1200 .   It most cases I’d rather see but this one is actually better in this order because of the K meaning thousand.  Overvalued because most think its a PR5 but not enough links to be PR5 Not that valuable of a name but a “cute” name.  A kids version of pumpkin.  1998 domain 3L dot net.  I think it used to stand for Colorado Fajita Association As a runner I know the value of this one.  Millions of obese and active people with this Not sure how to monetize it but what does that matter 15,000 searches offsets the dot org. A PR 5 with 57,000 links (Godaddy shows 100,000 plus) .  Already at $1200 as well

If you are looking for more names try DropDay.

Domain Spotlight: