Domain Spotlight:

My Alexa Ranking is Fantastic in Nicaragua (and pretty darn good here in the US)

DomainShane-Alexa-Rankings-GrowingYeah, Yeah, Alexa doesn’t mean anything but regardless,  it’s another determinate in how your site is growing.  In tech and domaining I think it is much more relevant than in other niches.  Only I know my true numbers and of course that’s the true gauge,  but since I don’t know anyone else’s,  I use it as a comparison to other sites and their traffic (I also use Compete).  Now that we’ve gotten than over with.  Did you hear my site is on fire?  Well, there’s more readers than there were a few months ago and it’s growing every day.

I write this blog for fun and if I make money from it, great.  The real purpose is to get the creative juices flowing, do some research, and laugh.  The consolation prize has been the growing readership.  A consistent Alexa of 35K over the last 6 weeks is pretty good for a guy that just started.  I have to thank Domaining for giving me the platform to reach a broader audience.  Without them it would have taken me much longer to build a reader base.  I do think it’s been a fair relationship because I’ve added another blog that posts regularly and adds content to their site.  On to the exciting news.  I’m blowing up in Nicaragua.

King-Of-Nicaragua-AlexaI’m part Cuban and part Scottish  and it must come across in my blog because the people of Nicaragua and Ireland have obviously chosen me as their favorite domaining blog. In all seriousness, I would like to thank everyone who’s enjoyed the blog for coming back and a special thanks to all my sponsors,  IDN Tools, Valuate, DomainGram, IDN News,,, and PeopleSearches. They’ve all made it worthwhile to keep on blogging (don’t tell them I’d do it for free).  I do have room for one more sponsor so if you want to reach a HUGE group of people in Nicaragua and Ireland shoot me an email.

Domain Spotlight: