There are a million ways to make money on the Internet but the old tried and true method has always been selling T-Shirts. Barack Obama is going back to old faithful this week with the introduction of the “Health Care is a Big F’n Deal” shirts for sale on his site. While I expected someone to print these shirts , I had no idea the President would try and monetize Biden’s famous quote and am a bit surprised he would allow a obvious representation of foul language to sold at his home site. Even though I am a Republican (I’m not proud of it at this particular point in time), I thought Biden’s comment that led to the shirt was great. I think cursing has its place in language and he used it perfectly. Cursing is used for attention and exclamation. A place where no other word quite does the trick. “This is a big deal” just doesn’t describe it as well as “this is a big fuckin’ deal”. Which one sounds more important?
It’s amazing that the business model from my 1980’s fraternity house is still active today. Have a party? Make and sell a T-shirt” . A fraternity brother say something funny? Print and sell a T-shirt. Looks like monetizing a site with a T-shirt is still a big fuckin deal.