Domain Spotlight:

SHANE’S BIG LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 1st

Out of college I moved to Chicago to become a trader and moved into an apartment across the street from Wrigley Field.  I would trade and come home and catch the second half of most Cubs games.  I grew to be a big fan of one player.  Mark Grace.  I loved Gracie because in the era of steroids and home runs he was a line drive hitter.  He hardly ever hit it deep.  Most of the time he merely hit it in the gaps.  He ALWAYS hit .300.  He also played first base.  A position usually reserved for the big hitters.  To top it off, the laides loved him.  I would go out for a few beers after the game and Grace would often be out as well.  And he didn’t strike out there either.  But Mark Grace did have one HUGE flaw. He’s an alcoholic.  And alcoholism came to haunt him today as he received his second DUI and yesterday was sentenced to 4 months in jail.  He was fired as a broadcaster from the Diamondbacks and now has to spend the next few months behind bars.  So kids, remember.  No matter how much money you make. No matter how popular you are.  You can loose it all to a vice.  And quickly.  Now on to today’s names and the daily quote.

 “Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity”  Sammi Davis Jr. I’m sure people are interested in this because it sounds like a cloud storage domain. 15 years old so I’m pretty sure the original registrar was not thinking cloud storage when he/she bought it 1997 Domain. Good name to sell supplies. I guess that was pretty obvious I love it. Strawberry jelly that is. Domain is pretty good too. 12 years old. Fairly common last name. Good by itself No bidders. Look at how many places are called Browns Lake…..a ton I think I could flip this one but just don’t think I have what it takes.

Go Daddy Featured Offer! Save 47%* off your order! Offer Ends 2/12/13!  A for Association and W for TV and Radio  This is a big boy name.  I think New York Giants but a lot of NY uses here.  Big Boy Culinary University.  15 year old name  How all good disputes are settled.  Throw a lawn dart up and the one that stays the longest underneath it wins.  Been a lack of CVCV.coms at auction.  This is a pretty nice one  I don’t usually do adult names but this epitomizes what an adult website should be named.  It’s the kind of name that would be in a story about a fallen politician. No bidders.  Bar-B-Q er.   mmmmmmmmm  Only 1 bidder  It closes early in the AM so if you’re reading this later…….sorry

Smoking Hot Savings! $2.95 .COM from!

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Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “SHANE’S BIG LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 1st”

  1. He lost his job, but they’re already hinting towards hiring him back. He got four months in the poke, but on work release.

    He still has his health, wealth and family.

    He made a mistake, he will DEFINITELY learn from it but he didn’t lose much here. IMO, our society takes a rather hysterical view of people who make mistakes and get locked up. There are criminals and there are mistakes. The only unforgivable mistake he made was being a Chicago Cub.

    Sox Rule.

  2. @L, so many things wrong with your post so I’ll just say one thing. Way to make light of him putting innocent people’s lives at stake.

  3. No problem, Serg. Any time.
    And likewise, thanks for the awesome internet sanctimony. Here’s a hint, though. It usually comes off a touch better when in conjunction with an emotive personal anecdote about a dear sister killed by a drunk diver.

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