Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-10-12

Yesterday’s big news was Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 Billion dollars to which my 12 year old daughter replied “Why didn’t they just downloaded it for free like I did?”  I didn’t have an answer that could do that question justice.   Now on to today’s name. These are the kinds of names I like. Simple, common words and the domain has age (13 years) Pretty cheap at press time ($22) This is a great name because for most people they are going to have to spend a fortune to look beautiful  A military term for where they eat and also the term for the hall right outside my daughters bedroom.  Goes along with her Mess Playroom and Mess Bathroom. I think this one will hit $200 but worth double or triple that. Why? I just do. Trust me, I’m a self proclaimed expert. has a decent value on it and 33,000 searches. Steal if you are the only bidder and right now there are no bidders. Short. That’s enough in this case.  The site better be in 3D or what’s the point. that has some pretty good letters. PC is a term of the past unless it stands for “politically correct” and then its worth even less  I don’t buy and sell LLL.nets but if I did, this would be a buy for me.  Probably my favorite Cement newspaper.  Second only to Concrete Gazette.  And this name is worthless but good for a laugh.  Means “Fighting Chicken” in Chinese.  106 bidders Means…..well… you can see where the use for this one lies

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