Domain Spotlight:

The Daily What the F Are They Thinking Domains

I’m starting a new segment here on DomainShane. It’sa look at some of the odd, questionable, or just plain stupid registrations we find.  It never ceases to amaze me what domains people will spend their hard earned money on.  Browsing the list proves yet again, for every great domain names are 10,000 that are awful.  Here is today’s list It’s been registered for 3 years.  Google it and there’s actually 1500 results for this number.  I am actually scared to post this as I feel this number might be some secret code that could get me killed.  If I don’t post tomorrow remember this.  Of course it could be I’m too lazy to post but if I don’t post TWO DAYS in a row. Hey Tamara, you’re doing it wrong.  You need to spell out Keller Williams as well.  That way your for sale sign with your domain can be longer than the actual house you are selling . I love cats and kittens as much as the next guy but rule number one.  Nobody can spell Conoiser.  See, I mean Conoisseur. I really hope and pray the people that registered it are not squatting.  This is NOT the group you want to squat on.  Still wondering what an Oatmeal Beauty pageant is. I was trying to come up with a more limited target market than this one.   I could only come up with Someone just picked up this beauty yesterday. They were on the right track and then all of a sudden all hell broke loose. Next thing you know they’ve threw in an “A”, then a dash, and just gave up and gave up letting it end in a dot info.  I had a very similar situation.  I was having a great round of golf and then hit one into the water on a par three.  Next thing you know I hit 17 more balls into the lake just so I could put down a 32 on the hole. If you’re going to fuck it up you might as well make it memorable. Remember what I said about small target market? Meteorite victims might actually be smaller.  Someone actually registered this name because of this cracked article.  Article, funny.  Domain. Waste of Money. MeteoriteVictims IS still available. Anyone in the market for stuff made by whores?  Bye bye Etsy, here comes Whorely You know what’s better than a bloody mary?  Evidently three. And the award for worst protective domain registration goes to………………yep. Godaddy.  They bought this and hundreds of others that have exactly 0 chance of ever being typed in.

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “The Daily What the F Are They Thinking Domains”

  1. Add this to the pile of crap:

    I posted about this on my blog in 2008.

    Yes, somebody actually still pay renewals on this.

  2. “If you’re going to fuck it up you might as well make it memorable.” Thankfully this post is the complete opposite. Same result, but different approach. Loved it to no end. More posts like this one please.


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