Domain Spotlight:

This is a List of Names Of Names I Like at GoDaddy and NameJet That Are Up For Auction

I remember when I first started writing this blog Francois told me I would have to keep it more on topic to be on Domaining.    My first impression was “don’t tell me what to write” and my second was “he’s right”.  As much as I love some of the other blogs,  they certainly seem to be off topic lately……..and yet they’re still better than mine.  Now on to the names Not a ton of searches of at 494 but good CPC and lots of ads.   Good deal at under $50 I like the name AND the concept Great online flower name and valuate gives it a $2000 value.  I think it is a good value at $600 and under 75,000 searches don’t lie $4000 value and 1600 searches

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