Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-5-12

It couldn’t get much worse than yesterday’s choice of domains. It was like going to a dance and trying to pick a girl to dance with. The first round you don’t really find anyone you like so you start over from the beginning and lower your standard. By the end of the night you are just looking for anyone that will dance with you.  I want this one.  Stay out of my way  Like to see who’s going to catch this one   If you faul, I will catch you …..sorry Already at $500 which is already more than I was willing to pay. Not saying its not worth it just saying I’d rather put my money towards a Galaga/Ms. Pac Man standup machine at this price.  T is not really close to C but somebody is going to buy this for too much money anyway.  Should come with a lawyer  Sold 4 letter that should bring a solid price I love the name but afraid that NanoStream Inc may want it as well and may not take the nice road to getting it.  People are always looking for free pr and with only one bidder you are getting a practically free domain as well. Not worth anything but all I can think of while this entire post is that guys arm from 126 hours or whatever it was call. You could devote a whole site to his arm. I think valuate’s value is a bit low. A traffic getting credit card review site is gold The perfect business email domain. Well, at least the girls will email you back.  30 bidders.  1999 domain is a good career domain but doesn’t keep me up at night thinking about how great it is.  Every time I take off my hat I wish I could rehair my head

Domain Spotlight:

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