Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction and Dropping

November is here and I’m looking to make it my best sales month.  I have a 5 or 6 names that should sell at auction and then following the 99% and hoping and praying for good offers on the rest.  Here is today’s mediocre to poor daily list. Elliot will have to buck up for this one after all his dog walker/sitter articles.  The downside of us bloggers being open. If only because I dislike lawyers. Was once a real product.  Not sure if there’s still a trademark.  I’m too lazy to look it up and I don’t have my staff here tonight that does all my legwork for me. 9800 searches aka 9800 freaks looking for this.   Fetishes pay well…….I’ve heard  No bidders Ends around 6 am central if you want to bid. Kind of goes against the whole fake stats that most blogs give out but still a nice name 1996 Birthday Right behind 23rd I think $500 is still a good deal

Domain Spotlight: