Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 5-15-12

If you missed the article/advertisement about the history of you need to check it out.  It’s the kind of purchase that I dream of.  The dream where you buy an asset, sell off a few of the pieces to pay for the whole thing and then get to keep the main part.  Come back and check out the names though. They’re below per usual.

DirectFund.comSkip the middleman and go direct. Actually you’re going to have to use Godaddy here. Price is still pretty reasonable.

SDNN.comSan Diego News Network is going to bid this one up. It looks like they already have. 1996 domain and no bidders.   I think it sounds cool.

WYYY.comThis would have been $1500 three years ago.  Add this to my and we have the dynamic duo of File domains. 1999 birthday  Not a lot of great LLLL.coms today but this one is pretty nice  One of those generic terms that could be used for something completely unrelated to the actual word  Its a dot net but don’t you think its worth owning?  Just asking…………….dot net  No bidders on this 1997 domain so it could go cheap.  Of course ,the winner is already destined to get it   Guaranteed to attract the attention your business is looking for.  May have a few disappointed customers once they get there but hey, the rule is just get them in the store and from that you have a better chance of selling them something  Solid letters and not a lot of bidders compared to Namejet



Domain Spotlight: