Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates on the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. sold for $130,000

This site has an impressive Alexa rank near 1,900, and is the traffic leader for the week by a long shot. Owned by Hunan Broadcasting System, which is China’s second largest TV network. “The company was established in 2006 and we started our business from Golden Eagle Networks and Hunan Satellite TV value-added telecom service. Through continual expansion in the realms of fan economy and new media arena, over the past eight years the “Mango TV” brand has been successfully established.


2. sold for $40,000

Domain is parked, and owned by an individual in Massachusetts that also controls the .org, biz, us, mobi and club extensions.

3. sold for $34,008

No site resolves; owned by an individual in China.

4. sold for $27,500

This acquisition forwards to, which is developed as a search engine for real estate in the Philippines. “ is a technology company that services the real estate industry by offering an advertising solution. We help brokers, developers, agents and consumers sell or rent their property on their own.

5. sold for $25,000

A fashion & shopping app: “What’s your Vybe? Find and shop the perfect outfits from your favourite high-street shops and online brands all in one place. Browse endless new trends and styles. All online and completely free.” Alexa rank near 14 million.


6. sold for $21,201

Domain is parked.

7. sold for $20,000

Domain is parked.

8. sold for $17,700

Domain doesn’t resolve.

9. sold for $15,400

The domain redirects to, a screenshot of which is below. “INSITE Interventions has been one of the leading providers of EAP programs for over 14 years. Our counselling team is made up of experienced psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors and social workers and is complemented by family experts, lawyers and other professionals.


10. sold for $15,000

No site resolves. PH = Philippines.

Domain Spotlight: