Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates on the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal.

1. sold for $130,000

This is the home of a Chinese-language gaming site, and it’s getting some traffic, as it has an Alexa rank near 375,000.


2. sold for $68,888

No site resolves, and the domain is owned by an individual in China.

3. sold for $50,000

This domain was picked up as part of a rebrand from LightSquared. “Ligado Networks is working to ready an advanced satellite-terrestrial network unlike any that currently exists in North America, providing pervasive, highly secure and ultra-reliable connectivity to critical industries anywhere, all the time.” The company received a whopping $265 million in funding back in 2011.


4. sold for $41,125

BMV can stand for Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and is redirected to, which most popularly stands for Department of Motor Vehicles. has a heck of an Alexa rank, at just over 1,300. No one looks forward to trips to the BMV or DMV, and the site says, “We provide DMV-related content and services in a user-friendly way that’s simple-to-read and easy-to-understand.”


5. sold for $35,000

The site provides tools to improve your website, and they have a solid Alexa rank near 225,000. “We believe the best way to do this is through smart software: software that helps people understand and improve their websites.” “Insites is a division of Silktide, who have been testing websites for over a decade.”


6. sold for $26,160

This domain was sold again for $28,700 at NameJet earlier this year, which makes it a flop, discussed here.

7. sold for $24,999

The domain is currently parked, and owned by domain investor Oliver Hoger, who has written a couple articles on this blog.

8. sold for $20,550

No site resolves, and the domain is owned by an individual in China.

9. sold for $20,000

“Founded in 2007 and headquartered in China, ZEROTECH is a leader in smart drones and smart UAVs.” This is the traffic leader for the week, with its Alexa rank near 130,000. Both Chinese and English language versions of the site are live.


10. sold for $18,750

Dean Evans & Associates used to reside at, but they chose to rebrand to a keyword domain. “EMS Software helps millions of people create great meetings. EMS Increases productivity, attracts and retains people, reduces costs, and differentiates brands.” They have an Alexa rank near 700,000.


Domain Spotlight: