Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

Now that the domain has gone through I can let you know the 5L domain I sold recently.  It was  Again did well on it but the buyer was a company of the same name and I think they made a nice investment as well.  Also sold a for over $1500 and and a four letter dot net this past week.  First week over $5K in the last month.  I’m going to put the whole amount towards quarterly taxes because I am having a pretty good quarter and if I don’t I’ll put it towards another domain and have to write a bigger check at the end of the year.  I’m trained to reinvest but Uncle Sam wants his money first.  Now onto the names I found using I still call it a lake but I’m old school, I still call California Mexico Great name for lessons.  One of my favorite this week for value. Not saying you’re going to make a fortune here but if you can get this for $100 you can probably flip it.  Location based web apps are doing well.   1998 Birthday If you’re from the Midwest you’ll realize we have one of these every week for 20 straight weeks Not sure if people really look for ski clothing but estibot says 27,000 people do and with no bidders this one is a good buy. Not a great monetization name but 4 letter known word with no bidders is good in my book The org makes your site sound official.  Just put a picture of Apollo Ono on the front and you’ll be on your way All this for only $12.  9 years old Big buzzword in “local”.  Already sounds like a new startup

Domain Spotlight: