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Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drops And Auctions

Yesterday was a shitty day.  I had two trucks break down for various reasons and THEN………on the way home the drive shaft in my BMW X5 broke.  I’ve had several things break on a given day before.  When you run lots of equipment and trucks, things break. It’s part of life but yesterday was a bit much.  I couldn’t help but laugh as I am right in the middle of an intersection blocking traffic from both sides at 5 pm rush hour, it was just a very fitting ending to the day.  I had 20-30 people roll down the window with a smile and say something to the effect “get that piece of junk out of the way”.  I also realized after 15 years in this town that I have a lot of friends. One of my running partners is a foreign car mechanic and stayed until 6 so he could find out what parts he needed to get.  One of my customers owns a large towing company and he got me out of the way even before the police got there.  And 2 or 3 people called because they heard I might need some help.  It was a bad situation that made me feel that whatever problem happened, I had people there to help.  As for my wife, well she got her 4 mile run in and took my daughter to all her practices and found out about it when she got home.  Now onto the names Nothing great about this name except it’s from 1993.  One of the older names I’ve come across on Namejet.  I’m sure Acro could tell you more about the meaning of the name A bootleg version of Where’s Waldo? A generic geo + realestate lover’s dream name.  Already 97 bidders IMO, A real value at $69   I may get this one if nobody else wants it With all the divorces this is what millions of people are trying to do I can already picture this as the email on the card  of that overly nice real estate agent that introduces himself at your friend’s party.

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