Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions

I’m going to go ahead and say it.  Charlie Sheen is frickin insane.  I’m watching his interview as I type this out and I almost can’t concentrate on finding names.  It could possibly be the most quotable interview in all of history. I only hope my names entertain you as much as the soon to be dead Charlie Sheen, did me in this interview.  And not in a good way. Here are the names. 40,000 searches and a $6800 valuate It’s pretty self explanatory.  You could make a  directory of lawyers. 1998 domain It’s a great name from the standpoint of memorable.  Sounds like a kitchen magazine.  Or a marijuana and heroin magazine.  Oh,  that’s pot and spoon.  1998 domain 3800 searches and for the same reason I got into the snowplow business. Every business in the north and east need plowed.  All plowers need parts.  Will go for a good price Color + Clothing equals good domain.  You’ll never go wrong buying this type of name.  Especially under $50 Not the most valuable name in the world but no doubt you could flip this for more than $69 this will probably cost you. 33000 searches and $3500 valuate for $70. This one values pretty high and has 33,000 searches.  Of course I’d rather have the dot com and it’s not even in use. 1996 registrar Sled means a lot of different things.  Sled or snowmobile.  I don’t own any dot TV domains but I do like this one

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions”

  1. In my fantasy celebrity league, I picked Charlie Sheen as most likely to kick the can in 2011. Im gonna score MAJOR points when he does and kick my girlfriend and all her friends asses just with that one pick! (note: Im not really in a fantasy celebrity league, but they do exist and I know people who thrive on it just as much as fantasy football) What a life that guy lives, I feel bad for him and some very little piece of me applauds him too for living BEYOND rockstar status pretty much. This is why America should NOT pay people like 2 million dollars an episode to act on TV, then this wouldnt really happen. Society just fuels the fire for these celebrities who are so detached from reality, its insane really. That goes for Wall St. too, way too much money to play with.
    If this guy could just put down the devils dandruff, that would be a start. Shane- SO MANY quotables from his interview, oh man!! He’s an F18 man, you dont put a damper on the engines of an F18. LMFAO.

    Good names today Shane

  2. For some reason I’ve never liked color+anything domains. It’s just funny to think about how that could be developed. A tie site with only brown ties? lol! I’m sure there’s some value there but they’re just not for me 🙂

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