Domain Spotlight:

Yes, Someone Actually Paid to Register These Names Yesterday

I was running through the newly registered names Friday and as I perused the list I had to chuckle at some of the names that were being registered.  So good that I’m going to have a weekly post showing some of the finest new registrations.  And yes, these are real. Someone spent money on these.  Sounds like the url of the Pedo Bear.  Fortunately the owner didn’t register it to remind himself of the rules of his latest conviction.  He looks clean.  Sane?  Not quite sure   There’s more to this name that meets the eye.  It’s already for sale for 21 million dollars on ebay.  I have to admit I haven’t figured out what the whole angle is on this thing so maybe I’ll just call the number and ask.  Heads up Kenny Rogers, you have a stalker.  Heads up fan, it’s going to be like kissing a stretched out canvas.  I realize it’s Romanian and involves Cholesterol and nasal.    But I think I’ve found the hardest word in the world to pronounce.  Dusurulur.  I find myself tucking my chin in when I say it and end up with my tongue in a not.  I swear it’s pure chance.  I looked through 40K new registrations and picked it out as one of the funnier names.  And it turned out to be registered by the same guy as the first guy above.  I’m guessing this is why he can’t live next to Chuck E Cheese  Fitting for a new honest domain blog.  “We write lots of crap”  I had no idea the dog bite legal market even existed. I’m going to have to take a bite for the sake of the family on the next run.   You’re going to to have a little trouble getting a taxi from this place.  Missing a couple numbers in the telephone number  You can do anything online……anything.  Except fill up your tires.  Guy picks one of the only two things you can’t do using the net.    Pretty sure I took this class back in the 80s.  But it may have been my college Algebra class.  I had no idea what the guy was saying

Domain Spotlight:

8 Replies to “Yes, Someone Actually Paid to Register These Names Yesterday”

  1. You are wrong. Kolesterolnasildusurulur is not Romanian.
    I think “Kolesterol nasil düşürülür” means “how to treat cholesterol” in Turkish.

    P.S.: Romanian word for Cholesterol is actually “Colesterol”.

  2. I’ve read some similar posts at this blog in worst registration category. Good to see such facts are published again. By the way, I appreciate if you can share a link to find new registrations.

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