Domain Spotlight:

A Few Great Domains Dropping Today

Made it home safely from skiing with the family and didn’t break any bones or total my car.  One of those happened last year. Here are a few really nice names I found that could provide an opportunity for a nice flip or site that will pay back quickly.

. 91,000 Searches and good estibot valuation.  No bidders. Great brand name for anything.  Certainly worth the $20 it’s at right now HUGE 200,000 + searches and not very many bidders.  Was a great deal……but now that I posted it, it just got a little more expensive Very generic, decent name.  A deal at a few hundred dollars An easy classified website in the making.  No bidders Nice generic for satellite affiliate sales.  No bidders

There were a ton more good names today.  Go to if you want to find more

Domain Spotlight:

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