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8 Replies to “A Little Visual On Who Cares About .XXX”

  1. i’ve heard you can still make up to a dollar a day with a first rate porno site. no big deal in the u.s. but if you live in a third world country with an average income of a hundred dollars a year it’s no small potatoes.

  2. Hello Shane,

    There can be little doubt that there is big money in these new extensions. We all know who will make the big money and it will snooker a lot of people. We are with you Shane.

    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

  3. Shane your graphic design skills are impeccable. 🙂 All you need now is a smaller dot within the large blue dot which would signify something xxx related. 🙂 I bet some of the money might just be spent on a few of those. 😛

    1. Jason

      Yeah, mad skills. Some of my past design works. Ron Jackson’s site, Elliot’s hat line, and Schilling’s hair. I getting into PR as well. Chef Patrick hired me last year. I’m starting to think I’m not very good.

  4. You need to make a graphic that’s “People Who Will Visit .XXX sites daily” and put all those circles in to one big circle

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