Domain Spotlight:

Daily SitePicks: Monday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net Not the greatest domain name in the world but I guess there are keywords in the name. The traffic is getting stronger and it’s verified. Not much age to the site but it’s in a hot niche and as I said earlier, the traffic is strong and growing. It’s making a little money and would be a good buy under $1000. A little link work and some time and I thinks there is potential but I’m not sure if I can get by the bad name. At least it rhymes. I like the look and theme of the site a lot. The reserve is WAY too high for what you are getting but maybe you can get the owner to come off. People love Top 10 lists but a site like this is a little harder to monetize because they really aren’t looking to buy anything. Get enough traffic and it really doesn’t matter and this site is organically growing each month   Buy a piece of history.  This is a spinoff of milliondollarhomepage and was successful ……………5 years ago.  Not sure of the reserve but if had at a decent price this may be a fun little project to get going again. The ads had a time frame of 5 years so you can start selling ads again.  27,000 links from back in the day.   Better bring your checkbook for this one.  The site was started in 1999 as a pet friendly apartment listing board.  Has evolved into a website with other forms of income and brings in $16,000 a month.  Will be interesting to see what multiple this one brings.  I would think a little modernization of the site could increase earnings even more.   The value is in the name.  I can only imagine the commission on a $400,000 combine.

Domain Spotlight: