Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping Around the Net

I’m not a big fan of Parks and Recreation but it was on last night while I was making my list and I caught this.  They were making campaign signs and they included the url in the signs and this was the result.  The worst campaign sign ever.  Enjoy the names.  Compiled using Both chord and cord are correct in this case.  What’s not correct are the notes when I sing “Someone like you” from Adele.  No bidders  If it was wordpress designer it would go for three times as much.  A real PR 6 which evidently makes it worth more than $2500  I normally don’t condone taking celebrity names but I’m going to let it slide on this one.  She is a piece of history.  Cigars found a whole new use with her  I thought I had a hidden gem here but the other 88 bidders kind of ruined if for me.  You don’t need the domain to get me to do it but using it to remind me would be a good marketing campaign.  Oh I thought it was eat boogers.  Not sure it has a ton of value but it’s a “clean” name. ie easy to say and spell.  No bidders.  I think this one is pretty self explanatory.  The perfect birthday gift.  I knew this one would do well before I even went to the auction.  Talent show, hot or not?   1999 domain Get you some

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Friday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping Around the Net”

  1. I wonder if you could get away with selling cigars as an affiliate on that Monica Lewinsky domain? Could be a money spinner… 😀

  2. “David says:
    February 24, 2012 at 6:06 am

    I wonder if you could get away with selling cigars as an affiliate on that Monica Lewinsky domain? Could be a money spinner…”

    Yea, but you’d probably make more if you sold them as “used” aka cigars that have been Lewinskyed.

    You could also sell stained dresses.

    Something for Him, Something for Her.


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