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Getting Those “Can I Guest Post On Your Blog?” Email? You Might Want to Take a Pass

Matt Cutts of Google likes to keep us informed.  Today he posted a video answering questions about how Google is handling guest posts on blogs.  A while back he said that they were fine but he seems to have changed his tune and now says they will penalize “spammy” guest posts.  Here’s the video of Cutts discussion guests posts


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7 Replies to “Getting Those “Can I Guest Post On Your Blog?” Email? You Might Want to Take a Pass”

  1. Next week: How to properly use the toilet – a Matt Cutts guide special, in order to avoid penalization by Google probing bots.

    1. Acro,

      Google controls the Internet. We are merely pawns. Without Google we speak to 285 people in domaining and that’s it. That being said if you write or do for Google you are bound to be penalized by them. I could give two shits. I was told links out were bad for PR. I have a PR5 and I put up at least 10 out links a day. I write whatever I want however I want but it’s mine. Google loves me. Like send me gifts and love letters loves me.

  2. Google’s algo changes links in the past 3 to 6 months are absolutely insane. Fcr the past 8 years Cutts has been preaching that there’s no practical and sustained way competitors could bowl down their SERP page partners with malicious linking. With spam links counting more toward a “penalty” rather than “no net gain”, its out of control. One of my prime sites (9 year old) has been repeatedly hammered by link vandals (competitors) since August, which, irregardless of the “Pandguin” updates, knocked me down from top 5 postions. The GWMT Link Disavow is a good start, but so far I’m dubious on it.

    I guess it’s just becoming more like the real offline business world – who’s to stop a competitor from postimg flyers claiming his biggest competitor is serving bad meat?

    This is really begining to suck.

  3. I hope the day, there is strong competitor of google, and push these blood suckers away.

    Enough with Matt Cutt. any one please cut this freak out

  4. That message from Cutts was nothing new. Seriously, spinning content and pushing it out as a guest post has NEVER been guest blogging. The person that asked that question in the video doesn’t have a clue when it comes to link development.

    I am not sure if I have ever seen a quality websites purposely link to a spam website. Sure, they may link to BAD sites, but NOT spammy sites.

    Linking OUT is BAD for Page Rank – if we are just looking at PR for the essential PR number. That said, Page Rank is only one part of a very large algorithm. So, while outgoing links are bad for PR…

    Linking OUT is GOOD for SEARCH RANK. Let me say that again and a little differently… Linking OUT, to quality sites that are closely related to the topic of the linking *page* – are VERY good.

    Sites that don’t link out are unnatural.

    Guest blogging is GOOD for both the site that hosts the blog post and the receiving site IF THE ARTICLE IS TOPICAL. There is nothing inherently wrong with guest blogging. My last two guest blog posts were well researched, over 900 words long and provide value to all sites involved.

    We have pigeon shit domains, but there are also pigeon shit articles, blog posts, websites and pigeon shit webmasters that don’t know any better.

    But, hey, what do I know? Everyone nowadays is an SEO expert.

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