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Merry Christmas to All My Christmas Celebrating Friends

On behalf of Chris (and Christ as well) and I, we would like to wish all of a Merry Christmas.

A holiday you get to spend with people you wish you’d see more often and those that you are glad you don’t have to.

A day where people have trouble buying things for us because we buy anything we want, when we want, and thus the invention of the gift certificate.

The time when Grandma asks what you want for Christmas and have to make sure to give her a local purchase only list.

A holiday where many wish they could escape the crazy family and others wish they didn’t have to spend it alone

A day where we find our true addictions. A rare day when you’re not supposed to do your daily routine yet many will continue

A day where you wish you owned more Apple stock

A day when people think their pets should be on the gift list. it’s one thing for Aunt Mabel to bring her dog to Christmas but another to be pissed because I didn’t give Fido a present

A day that we have to watch things on TV we don’t want and act like you care about things you really dont.

But most of all, the day you acknowledge how many people truly care about you and thank them

Oh yeah, just in case you forgot, there’s this whole little birth of Christ thing you may want celebrate as well.

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Merry Christmas to All My Christmas Celebrating Friends”

  1. Merry Christmas, Shane! 🙂

    It’s a great day for buying domains while also spending time with the family. 😉


  2. Merry christmas Shane…..keep up hood work…n try to change your logo on . Although I like your pic too but I would suggest to use logo for your website instead your picture…it makes it more brandable….just my 2s cents

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