Domain Spotlight:

Monday Morning Daily 7 Links

Got a Lot Done This Weekend



I had a pretty busy weekend.  I built the pond you see to the left, redesigned domainshane,  and put up a website.  It was the first weekend I had some free time in 6 months so I thought I would put it to use.  The pond is 28 ft X 18′ and the center piece is a Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Verdoni’ and has been trimmed the last 15 years waiting to find that perfect place. I found it.  What do you think?  Now onto the Morning 7 maybe 8 or 9.

Twitter’s valuation is half of what the VC rounds are valuating it at. The main reason?  Only 17% of users actually go to the site.

Speaking of Twitter.  Try and guess which methods are the top 10 methods for sharing through twitter (ie online, api, or hootsuite)

It’s official the first non Latin domain name is up for sale

Google may need to rehire their book scanning crew

This damn game drove me crazy……and I played for 15 minutes

Before you eat your Thanksgiving meal, I thought I’d let you know how pumpkin pie is really made

Another case of a domain going completely to waste. does nothing to monetize off the traffic the hit movie brings

Remember when Obama said this? If you believed that, I have some .tel domains I’d like to sell you

Bonus Link:  I would like to thank my newest sponsor for supporting the blog. Indian domain names are a great investment and with 400 billion people (or something like that), the market is unbelievable.  If you want to learn more, the forum is a great place to start

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Monday Morning Daily 7 Links”

  1. Thanks for sharing these links – amazing that someone could buy a domain like and put so little thought into monetization! I like the pond – planning on adding any fish?

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