Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping

Back to reality and let’s see what we can come up with today. Have to admit this isn’t the best I’ve felt but maybe we can find a gem to make me feel better.  A lot of people at the show asked me how many domains I hold back from my list that I like.  Honestly, I only hold back one or two names that don’t have a bid.  If it has a bid I go ahead and put it up.  Everyone is going to find it anyway.  Now onto the names. If you don’t know what this means, it doesn’t mean Monty had a big meal. 1998 Registration 41,000 searches, $2.29 CPC I prefer but this one isn’t too bad. Here we go again.  The annual auction of Historia 62,000 searches  $2700 Valuate  Ooops saw “make offer” this also means “I want WAY more than it’s worth” Sorry I know if I owned I would be all over this 200,000 searches and no bids A PR 5 and 2000 links Sell this one to Daryl Doesn’t this just describe half of the Internet?

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Monday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping”

  1. Nice list for someone with the flu. For Daryl, if you can’t sell it to him, maybe you can sell to his other brother Daryl… or Bob.

  2. I like People move all the time and are always looking for a new church. Put up a directory of Catholic churches or develop into a portal where individual Catholic churches can each create their own local church page with events, schedules, sermon downloads, etc. Just a thought…

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