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Would Someone PLEASE Cure Aids: I Can’t Live Without Kim’s Tweets

Oh the pain, the sacrifice!  It’s amazing how important the Internet has become to the daily lives of people.  The tweets of celebrities have become so important that people are willing to donate money just to keep celebrities tweeting.

A group of celebrities have banded together and promised that they wouldn’t tweet until they raised $1 million dollars in donations from their followers.  Good idea or not (any idea that raises a million dollars for a cause is a good idea) the fact that people care what Kim Kardashian says daily is what gets me.  She has accomplished absolutely nothing except becoming famous for having a sex tape, and with Ray J at that.  What I do respect her for is trying to help and any help should be commended.  Other participation celebrities like Alicia Keys, Justin Timberlake, Lady Gaga, and Usher all have true talent and deserve the fame and money they’ve received but Kim,  she’s out of her league here. What I’d like to know is if I raise a million can I keep from her from Tweeting forever.

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