Domain Spotlight:

Saturday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-14-12

I’m going to get back to writing more articles here in the next few weeks. I apologize for the lack of writing but so much of my staff is on vacation that I find myself working just as hard as in the spring.  For those of you that think owning a business means less hours you’re a little confused. Its after you sell it that you enjoy life.  I’m a wealthy man but until I sell, all my money and time is in the business.  This is why I stay in shape, so I can I  live long enough to enjoy my hard work. Now on to today’s names. Screams design company   Not a great name but 19 years old…..which is nice 12 years old and $12 with no bidders. Now if you could just figure out what to make the site about  People are always looking for ideas on the net.  You could have Ron Jackson doing an article about how a domainer became the next tv design star.  A saying or a latch I use to wench things 16 years old The kind of snarky name that you can buy for $25 and sell for $300-500. 12 years old and no bidders  This probably should go in my portfolio but I’ll still share  Do people still play poker?  I thought I was going to steal this one. 24 people disagree A site run by one person. This site is certainly run by one monkey The ending C for company or corporation will keep it above $200 These have consistently been over $1000 lately and this has a double 5  Tym Tym Tym is on your side I’ve found my new email  Realtor is trademarked……..but nobody seems to care

And thanks to Paul that points out that Godaddy has a working $4.95 Code

The Code is 495SCOTT

.CA Domains only $12.99 at!

Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “Saturday’s Big List of Names at Auction or Dropping Around the Net 7-14-12”

  1. Hey Shane,

    So you plan on selling your business? Any exit strategy in place?

    Your brick and mortar business advice posts are some of my favorite.

  2. – Isn’t that full of redundant words? 🙂

    I was almost 25 years old before I found out Realtor was not a common word in the dictionary. There may be some of that in play on Realtor type of domains.

    Nicer list than normal today, Shane !

  3. “ Realtor is trademarked……..but nobody seems to care…”

    How do you get a TM application for “Realtors” approved?

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