Domain Spotlight:

Sunday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 5-13-12

Had a great day yesterday.  Nursery was packed and my daughter’s school won the Middle School State Championship in track and field.  I always felt that winning a few state championships when I was younger was a key to my developing a little confidence and realization that if you keep trying to get better, you may achieve greatness at some point.  Her team is great.  What’s even more amazing is that all but two girls come back next year to try it again and from the second they won, they were talking about training all summer to try and do even better next year.  You don’t hear talk like that very often from 11 and 12 year old girls.  Proud Papa.  Now back to domains. Here is today’s list

DomainToolKit.comWe already have DomainTools, now you can have the whole kit.

SpeakClearly.comI used to hear this all the time at my ToastMasters meeting. I used to mumble which showed lack of confidence. Speak too clearly and too slowly and you come across as a 40 year old guy that lives with his Mother. I try and keep my speed and clarity in between.

GrumpBoss.comI think my employees are going to buy this one for me for my birthday. No bidders Sounds like a new Food Network show or a new hip blog. Age (12 years) and cheap I knew a ton of girls in High School that would have deserved this email address  Day Trading Rooms aren’t as popular as they used to be but this domain still has great value   Fine Alaskan cruises are all the rage. I’m thinking about taking one but adding a little twist of doing a marathon in Alaska while I’m there  Great college comparison name.  No bidders   A term we all know and not spelled the dirty way for a change  It would have a little more value without the S but still decent


Domain Spotlight: