Domain Spotlight:

The Morning 7: Laugh and Learn

Every morning from this point on I will start the day with 7 links to things I think are either really funny or interesting.  Some may have something to do with domaining and some may not.  I’ll try not to link to things that have been  already posted on domaining or namebee.  I won’t post many things NSFW but if it’s something that may not go over well if someone’s peering over your shoulder, I’ll certainly flag it.  So grab your coffee and enjoy my first day of links.  PS: if you have something that you think is link worthy please feel free to email me

A very interesting read.  The Alphabet of Computing.  For instance, there was a third Apple founder who gave up his share for $800 (worth $17 Billion today)

PETA really needs to find a better name for their blog

The Best PSA placement I’ve seen in a while

Purchase sounds like a great domain name until you hack it into and then nobody can remember where to put the dots

When I grow up I want to be just like Mommy. Updated version

The amount of spam on Twitter is ridiculous.  Look how many accounts post the same spam tweet.

This company is for sale.  What do you think of the domain name?

Domain Spotlight: