Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net 1-12-12

Had the inevitable happen to me yesterday.  I got a speeding ticket.  It’s one of those things that you do in life that you know eventually will come back to haunt you.  I am not a speeder.  I’m not one of those guys that drives 55 in a 30 or flies through school zones.  I’m one of those safe 80 in a 65 guys.  The recently turned the road from my nursery into this beautiful 4 lane open road that’s smooth as silk.  The only problem is the 40 mph speed limit they put on it.  You could easily go 80 it’s such a nice road.  I go 55.  And thus the ticket.  Ever since they finished it I’ve been throwing money in my glove compartment because no doubt in my mind they were going to get me.  Almost impossible to drive 40 without feeling like you are racing a turtle.  The glove compartment was a little short.  Fifty two dollars to be exact.  Ticket was $120.  So please buy the domain of the day to help pay for it.  Here are today’s names.  Very surprised this one is still at $140.  I thought it was a good deal for twice this when I saw it at CAX.  It has a double eight so I appreciate. *  CVCV but I can’t seem to get past how to say it.  Is is HI Ko or HE Ko? *  Nothing like trading a  38% interest rate for a good education.  Love their baby food.  As usual I may have that wrong.  1994 Birthday.  That I know is correct  Figured there would be more people on this one.  Easily a $1000 three or four years ago.  Then again so would have a 40 inch plasma and now they’re like $58 or something.  The future of America’s source of alternative energy. Get it while it’s hot.  15 year old domain.  I know my daughter would have been all over this when she was younger.  Kids seem to be fascinated with birds and dinosaurs. No bidders  Not much value but I think the name sounds cute.  Somebody likes it because it’s been around since 1999  That “S” at the end takes of a few hundred thousand but still has keyword value  I could use a few.  No bidders Will go with my  To good to have no bidders  Another fine  Very popular business or product name. Google it  1994 Domain  I felt like I’ve seen this one before but I still like it


Deal of the Day: — $75 — Product domain with 5,400 global exact, F.Schilling owns .com

*Names that I am selling through Namejet


Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Thursday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net 1-12-12”

  1. Shane,

    From today, every .COM should drop, because ICANN opened a can of worms, essencially ending the .COM dominance; expect .Brand, or .Company to kill the .Com dominance. It’s over folks.

  2. What would be over ? A mom and pop shoe company or small business would register a .nike ? Because they sure can’t afford or know how to run their own tld.

  3. RH,

    The price of these things will shortly drop to hundreds of dollars. The big boys know how to get their foot in the door, and then boom! Soon you will get Godaddy codes for registering .brand or .company, don’t let them fool ya, this is the start of the beginning of the end.

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