Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net 2-2-12

Another fantastic night last night with exotic cars, Sam at the Viper room and after party talk.  It’s absolutely amazing how much business is done after or off site during these conferences.  Enough of the small talk, it’s 1:30 in the morning and I’ll try and put together a semi buzzed daily list.   Beautiful CVCV that will certainly fetch a nice price   Sinks are catching on.  Just shaved in one this morning   The fight video market is still going strong.  People love combat.  Especially between two girls.  Think I’m lying?  Look at the searches  A little generic as I think people would rather have Ohare or Midway Hotels but with no bidders it certainly is worth $69  MMMMMm love cake  I love to snorkle but nobody looks good in a snorkel.  Have you ever seen a girl  in a photo with a snorkel and thought “she sure looks hot” ? Double As always do well in the market


Domain Spotlight: