Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks: $44K for $1500

Some great names ending today at Sedo and at Boxcar.  Plenty of names to choose from.  For those of you that have emailed me about, Sergio is working on the fixes and some new add ons to add more data to the output.  And no I am not an owner just a user,  but hoping I’ll get a share of the site for Christmas.  Here are today’s names. Incredible name.  Ironically I think the best way to make money with this one is selling ebooks. 15,000 searches gives this a $44,000 valuation.  I think this is a heck of a deal under $5K.   Then again I love the beach and I love to tote things so I may be partial. I feel like they are trying to say something but not finishing.  I think they meant spaghetti decks?  I guess spa decks DOES get 33,000 searches. (Anyone watch It’s Always Sunny?) Perfect name for new hybrid car markets.  Gas is not getting cheaper. Not a word in my vocabulary but would love it to be one in my portfolio I can see the slogan “You need to be and we can help” Everything green is hot.  Journals are hot too but now they call them blogs Ummmm numerics Maybe an organization for perverts. R. Kelly emailed me and said he’s in A PR5 and a perfect pair with the domain above  (Amazing how this list comes together isn’t it?  It’s like a little story)

Domain Spotlight: