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Thursday’s Daily Hot Auction Picks and Drops: PR7 Domain Up for Auction Today

Pagerank 7 domains are tough to buy but today’s there’s one at auction today and looking forward to the sale price.  I don’t get caught up in pagerank but when buying a name it can be of incredible value.  More than anything it saves time.  It’s like running a mile race and getting to start a half mile ahead of everyone.  Maybe 3 laps ahead with a PR7.  Now onto the names Here you go.  The pR7 you just heard about. 6000 plus links, 2002 registration. I don’t know how to pronounce it but very cool looking.  I’m sure some company will buy it and tell you how to pronounce it. I’m going to call it “Need” A bit too generic for me but does have a nice ring to it.  I just keep finding myself curious which sports. Here’s my business idea of the day.  Buy this and have people post what they will do for certain dollar amounts.  Like “I Will Write a 500 page article on Ghosts for $3” and then have people take them up on it.   I would avoid allowing sex acts. Good letters, DMOZ listed, and 1998 registration Great for helping businesses form a C Corporation Trust me.  There is as much money selling them the plants as there is in the wine You can easily flip this for more than $69.  I think 20% of all 5 year old girls are named Kelsie. You know why I like this?  Because if you sell it for a million dollars you could say you were a Scumdog Millionaire.   Sorry, I had to. A PR6 with 155,000 links, yes 155,000.  In all seriousness I have always wanted to start a clothing line.  It was going to be called CultraThreads and this may be close enough.  AT $2000 already.

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