Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today

I apologize for my site loading so slow.  My host Media Temple is struggling.  I would like to think that it’s because Domain Shane is getting so much traffic but I used to have a site on the same package that on some days would receive 100,000 uniques and it didn’t lag like this site is.  I WILL have it fixed soon or I will be on another host this weekend.  Now on to the names. An old punk band thus the searches (33K)  $6,000 valuate because of it Great name, lots of uses. Not very many bidders I’m the only bidder and I promise to not pay attention the last few hours of the auction. As I always say, I don’t buy a lot of dot orgs but how can you look pass a domain that has 834,000 exact searches?

Go to if you want to find more One of my favorite 5Ls to drop in the last few weeks.  See you at the auction Not a great name but if you can get it for under $80 you can flip it for profit very easily

Domain Spotlight: