Domain Spotlight:

And The Winner in the “Most Beautiful Domain Shane T-Shirt Model” Is………………

I recently had a contest to win a lovely DomainShane T-shirt.  There were two ways to win.  One was very successful, one sucked.  The part that asked people to find the hottest or cutest model was successful with 6 entries.  The find the highest valued hand register was a bomb with no entries.  The most popular email?….. “Give me a T-shirt”.  In all the chaos of emails,  one winner emerged. I couldn’t have picked out a better model if I had searched myself.  The original thought was a “she” but the winner came in as a “he”.  The winner is none other the Jaden Wells aka Ron Wells Jr., son of domain investor Ron Wells.

Jaden is an adorable young chap and if he’s anything like his old man he’s also going to be a handsome fella.  So the shirt goes to Jaden (because I know it’s going to be too small for Ron)  and thanks all for playing along.  I’d also like to thank for donating the shirts to this contest.  As a bonus I will be sending out shirts to everyone that submitted a photo.

Domain Spotlight:

7 Replies to “And The Winner in the “Most Beautiful Domain Shane T-Shirt Model” Is………………”

  1. Wow Shane … thanks (Jaden send you his thanks too for giving him his first modeling assignment)! 🙂

    You’re right, I can’t fit it … but Jaden will grow right into the shirt!

  2. Awesome choice, Shane! Junior will make a great model. Looks like you’re going to start attracting a younger demographic!

    @Ron, congrats! Make sure to send in a pic of Junior wearing the domain shane shirt… even if he’s yet to grow into it!

  3. Shane,

    You did inspire me to go looking for hand reg names with appraisal values. I found a few ($600-$800 value) but I had to register them myself, lol, and I assumed that took me out of the game.

    My domains wouldn’t have beaten out Jaden’s good looks anyway.

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