Domain Spotlight:

THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 18th

I was reading over the weekly sales that DnJournal reported and its nice to see Ron is now reporting Flippa and sales.  They have always been there to verify and report but they had always being passed over.  Evidently they had become too big to continually leave off the list.  Ron provides a great service putting it all together but it was getting to the point that hundreds of thousands of dollar were being left off. And I’m not sure any of the HUGE sales that had last month were included.  Regardless he’s still doing the best compilation out there and is the most trusted source and I’m sure he’s careful not to ruin that with a bad name and number.  18 years old.  Not getting a lot of love  Seems to be a decent amount of people with this last name.  Which means businesses and things with the same name  Talk about an easy build out. 17 years old   Great letters.  As good as they get  Upgrade domain for many companies  You hardly ever see this many bidders on a name at Namejet  Because who wants to go through the formality of seeing if you will actually pay them back

NEW Monday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day.. 2% OFF Cart (aka, when you don’t have any other codes)fb2hpac20  Already fetching a solid price. And worth every penny  Because they’ll assume you’re a professional  I think I recommended this the first time it came up.  Still a good name  Big JZ fan.  So you know I must like two JZs  These have been going for $75-$100 as of late Gets 100 plus visits a month….presumably from other parrot lovers    Seems like they’re 75% of the cars on the road in the midwest  Not surprised by big price.  Millions of fat people looking for dessert recipes in the US Might be my favorite on the board

Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight:

4 Replies to “THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 18th”

    1. Too bad. It’s part of the process. When you sell something before it’s actually available for sale you never know how it’s going to end

  1. The Flippa sales are suspect at best. I’ve “sold” several domains and websites only to have the buyer disappear. Unless the seller re-lists the name/website, the auction will always state a sold price whether it happened or not.

    Only way to verify a sale is to talk to the winning bidder.

  2. @ Scott — Sales reported to DN Journal are not reported unless verified 100%, both by myself and Ron. I’d like to hear more about your negative selling experiences so I can help fix them!

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