Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Daily Domain Auction and Drop Selections

Heading to Ohio State this weekend and next week for a conference on new plants.  The one thing I like about the plant industry is the visual aspects of it.  New plants with new looks excite the consumer.  I just love the thought of having new product every year to sell to our customers and the “game” of trying to pick which plants they are going to want.  Get it right and you sell thousands of plants.  Get it wrong and you’re going to have to eat them.  Either way I am going to take thousands of pictures, put them on my website, and make money.  I am usually first on the net with the new varieties and their pictures and Google loves me for it.  Now let’s get to some domains I found using Dropday that will hopefully provide you with some new inventory. 1994 Birthday. They’ve been promoting this name for a while and deservedly so.  It seems to be a little high priced for a Mexican last name (yes, I am kidding,  no need to comment) 1995 Birthday.  A lot of different meanings/uses of this name.  Also what people from Boston feel before an earthquake. $6900   19 bidders Worth millions if you reverse the words but still a great keyword name I would think this would do better with horse racing results but I guess you could use it for all racing. -500 searches for this one.  Absolutely nobody looking to put their money in an African bank. BUT…..1999 Birthday so it has some age. Ok it’s brandable but it really is dogggggggggtastic. You want a cheap domain that everyone can remember?  Here you go.  No bidders  It’s what the guys from JackAss started out as. Da Plane Da Plane .  Man I loved this show as a kid. 13 year old domain for $12.  He sounds so cute

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Friday’s Daily Domain Auction and Drop Selections”

  1. domain is very cool. Ricardo Montalbahn (sp?) had to be the basis for “the most interesting man in the world” marketing campaign.

  2. Did you know that “Tatoo” committed suicide? He also was a big muskie fisherman.

    Not sure how he landed them as some of those fish are much bigger than him.

    I was just reading about him lately and found his life kinda’ fascinating.

  3. Dropday has awful customer service.

    If you know the guy…please have him reach out.

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