Domain Spotlight:

Friday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions

If you only read one dropping domain list today, this is the one you should read.  Actually, I think I’m the only one that does this so I kind of have a monopoly.  Some people believe that too many link outs ruin your SEO and I am going to have to call BS on that.  My last blog had 10-20 out links every day and got up to a PR 7 in two years. I’ll give you a hint to my secret.  Keep blogging and writing and don’t worry about it.  Google loves daily original content.  These are name for the entire weekend as there really weren’t enough name for just today.  Here are the names This is one domain that I think would not be a little embarrassing when it came across my credit card bill. I prefer “Fantasies” or “Illini Book Store”. It’s one of those domains that you can tell someone and they will remember it and type it in correctly.  And cat can mean a lot of things. Pretty darn generic We all know bedding domains are hot and no better way to get a cheap name than to throw an “A” or “The” in front of it. Big money domain.  Not quite the number of people looking for this as 5 years ago but the $13 CPC is very nice Somebody should buy this and give it to Sully for Christmas an ESPN typo or just a 4L that starts with US.  Either way a nice name

Domain Spotlight:

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