Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

Couldn't Help Think of Danny Noonan When I See Rory McllRoy

Today starts a new week and there’s a lot of good names on the board.  I hope everyone that still have their Fathers spent time with them yesterday.  I am the first one to dismiss “Hallmark Holidays” but lately I’ve realized I need to spend a little more time with my older family.  There are some stories and memories that need to be exchanged before it’s too late.   I’m not going to let weddings and funerals be the only time I see my family any more.  Now that you’ve shed your morning tear, let’s get to the names.  And as usual I used Dropday to find them I figure a few people may be interested A lot better name than Ashley Madison but maybe cheaters aren’t very good spellers. There are a TON of things named this around the world.  Let them buy it from you.  No bidders I’m already curious what’s going to to be worth the wait and the site hasn’t even been made yet Actually these are the names I don’t like.  Does anyone under 80 really use this term? Thirty eight bidders think people do No bidders and there are people that buy crates.  Namely me.  Companies are always buying crates to ship their product. They are stackable and with a little shrink wrap, shippable. Not just sexy VERY sexy.  Already at $900  1997 Birthday Ahh nothing says “I love you” more than a Star Wars themed chess set.  Buy it at  It even rhymes.  No bidders Not the best tld for electronics but still a great keyword. This one on the other hand, is absolutely perfect.  I will be bidding on this gem My only celebrity crush in the world.  I’m not going to say I’m a stalker but I can’t officially say that until the restraining order expires

Ty.TV Two letter in any tld has some value And this one has even more I could eat cereal for every meal…….and there are days I do.

Domain Spotlight: