So here’s another true story going in my book When I worked at the Chicago Board of Trade I started as a runner. I had…
Author: ShaneCultra
So now that I have some time and doctors finally get you in I have done all the things I needed to get done after…
Decided to get a change of scenery this summer and will be working around the country. We’ve rented a house in Leadville Colorado from a…
All that aside. Based on all the expiring names that have bids, many good bids, it looks like people are willing to spend a lot…
Domain of the Day: Tesla 100% is going to want this. Just depends on how they want to get it Quote of the Day:…
When I was in college I needed a car but it wasn’t in my parent’s wheelhouse to buy me one at the time and I…
One of the biggest lessons I ever learned is that your worth/your salary is based on the ability to replace you. That sounds like a…
One of the things that I have been reminded of since I retired from the nursery. Some times its good to change things up. Since…
I was doing a little math on the 7% rise every year for the next 10 years on domain names. This also compounds. So in…
In a little bit of hurry today. I was trading the markets all day. I didn’t mean to do it the entire day but it…
So I went down a bad rabbit hole of Sim Swapping. I person let me know that a person I had been interacting with was…
I’m good at everything, a master of none. Proven 100% the other day. I’ve forgotten to press publish, gotten AM/PM mixed up. Even something has…
I sold 2 of my cars this past few weeks. I had my daughter’s High School and college car, an older model Subaru Outback, and…
Money Management. Its one of the most important parts of investing, business, and life. You hear constantly about having multiple sources of income, mailbox money,…
So Bored Apes came out with this news game and the top scores in the game are going to get a special pieces. The higher…