I’ve seen better names but there are certainly enough domains here today to make some money. I have a domain at Sedo ending today if…
It’s that time once a week where I take various Twitter posts regarding domaining and give them the proper answer they are seeking. Here are…
I apologize for my site loading so slow. My host Media Temple is struggling. I would like to think that it’s because Domain Shane is…
A few days ago I did an article about Mouse Path. Over the last few days I’ve realized that this little program has quite a…
These are the moments in domaining we all have when something goes well. It’s a little mushy and not something guys sit around and chat…
Not very many good generic keyword domains so I had to branch into page ranked drops and other “style” of domains. I’ve been in too…
When laying out a website a designer always want to lay it out in a way that draws the eyes and the clicks. Almost all…
Just enough to keep the dreams alive of all the people that buy all the other junk 5Ls. I hated to even post it because…
Some very nice domains dropping today and as I always say. It’s Monday and that means another week and another opportunity to make some money.…
I don’t know who actually flipped it, I only know it wasn’t me. As a constant watcher of Godaddy drops I came across a name…
Weekends are a good time to find dropping names. Many people are busy and they forget to get in their bids. They will also put…
It always amazes me, I am surrounded by some of the most brilliant minds in the world here at The University of Illinois but many…
Marchex holds one of the better name portfolios in the industry yet they can only muster $23 million in revenues during the last quarter of…
There was a little confusion yesterday, both with my timing on drop days and with whether the domains I post are actually drops. They are…